have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother
Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also”, 2
Tim 1:5
In every generation and in every
family, God establishes his covenant with one person to carry the baton of
faith and power. The Bible gives account of many godly women God used as
vessels to mould, shape, impact and transform lives. In the text above, the
Apostle Paul reminded young and frail Timothy of an irreplaceable spiritual legacy
he had inherited from his mother Eunice which was passed down from the
grandmother, Lois. The Apostle Paul’s call for Timothy to fan his gift into
flames was a matter of urgency to prevent the fire from dying. A dying fire has
serious consequences!
Timothy was able to catch the fire
at a youthful age and did exploit because he was fortunate to be trained in a
godly way by his mother Eunice and grandmother, Lois. I want to draw your
attention to the integral role of godly women in impacting generations. Society
is woefully littered with many ungodly people who endanger the lives of the
innocent ones. One can just imagine the kind of spirit transferred from the mothers
to such people.
A godly woman first seeks to please
the Lord and hereby transfers this spirit to her children. The godly woman will love her husband & children,
be discreet, chaste, a keeper at home, a blessing, and obedient to her own
husband. Godly women played outstanding roles in the ministry of Jesus, Moses
and all men of God. As Paul commended
Phoebe in Rom 16:2 and the Deaconesses in 1 Tim 3:11 for their unflinching
support in the ministerial work, so do I also implore you to be godly to be a
vessel God will use to impact generations.
Remember, a man can only produce after his own
kind. And to the single men, be careful whom you choose to marry. If she is not
godly, then you can be assured of having ungodly children. Godliness is not
attending church and speaking in tongues. It is character! If you are ungodly
and a false worshipper, then your children may pick your secret character at the
blind side of people.
Abraham Lincoln once said: No man is poor who has a godly mother! May the Lord bless and keep you as you impact your
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