Saturday, 1 March 2014


Beloved, I welcome you to the month of March. It is important to note that this month will end the first quarter of the year 2014. A lot can be achieved within three months. Research shows that about 70% of people normally forget their vision and what they prayed about during the beginning of each year.  

I'm strongly of the belief that you are still marching forward without compromising the vision. As we start this month with full hope, it will be expedient to take stock of your life and evaluate your courses of action. You may ask yourself some few questions. 

  1. Am I on the right track and striving to achieve my vision for the year?
  2. Is there anything that I've forgotten and or not doing?
  3. What are the things that I can do daily, weekly and monthly to propel me closer to my dreams? 
  4. What do I need to sacrifice and acquire as a necessity? 

A life lived without evaluation is not worth living at all. Success cannot be put on auto pilot. It is rather a deliberate and a conscious efforts geared towards a particular goal. We cannot live our lives the same way we did last year and be expecting a different and a better result in this year. The strategies, ways of thinking and attitudes put up last year may not assist us to do much in this year if only we want a different and a better result. 

Let's amend our ways and march forward in the month of March to achieve that long awaited vision that is hidden in your mind and waiting forward to explode for the whole world to benefit. 

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