At times, it is not that
some people are simply recalcitrant and adamant to the call of salvation and
refusing to leave their sinful lives and accept the Lord as Saviour. It is just
that the life of the believers around them are not different and better than
the sinful lives they live.
How to make Christianity Attractive
How to make Christianity Attractive
Show love
The foundation of Christianity is premised on love. “For God so love the world and gave His only
begotten son…” John 3:16. Do not reject unbelievers entirely in your life.
How can you win for Christ and be saved if you do not first show love, get
closer to them and speak the gospel of the Cross to the dying souls? Remember
that God first loved us before we were saved by grace so show love and
compassion to those who aren’t in the safe faith with you. It is not time to
condemn people.
It is not enough to be a Christian. You have a
responsibility to maintain your identity as a Christian and make Christianity
attractive to others. Apart from preaching the Gospel of Christ for all and
sundry to come to the saving knowledge of Christ, your life is also an
important message to unbelievers around you.
Be Generous
It is very pathetic when unbelievers rather show great
love to their neighbours who are in trouble while Christians shun and turn deaf
ears to such situations. That is uncharacteristic of the true mark of a
Christian. Show love to both believers and unbelievers.
There are a lot of Biblical references on giving and
generosity. As a matter of fact, God did not bless you to lord yourself over
people, be worshipped and praised but to serve others and make life more
comforter for them. In Proverbs 21:13, the Bible said “He who shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry one day and
not be heard”. Your generosity can save some people and switch their lives
geared towards eternal damnation to eternal life.
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