Monday 13 October 2014


Any time God wants to give you something, He will first test you to see the kind of heart you will receive it with. Like Moses, God will have to at times take some people from high level of royalty (position) and dignity into a state of nonentity to fully develop patience, humility and the right attitude for a higher altitude. 

Any time the worst stares you in the face, know that It's time to learn and pass the test, for the best is yet to come. 

God did not entrust a whole nation to a hot tempered Moses to lead until he passed the test of humility to be humble enough to lead even animals before leading human beings (people with intellect and right). If that position is keeping very long, then watch out. It may be that you have not finished you test yet. There is no promotion for the man who has not finished finished the test, certified and declared passed. 

Stop complaining when some people are giving you headaches as if they are "animals". If you can lead even "animals", then you can lead the people of God. If you haven't finished working on your character, then leadership crisis may blow away. 

After the hot tempered Moses passed the test, the Bible accounts of him as the meekest man on earth. Let Heaven endorse you as having passed and qualified for the great calling ahead. 

As a leader, don't run away from troublesome people. They serve as the litmus test to prove your preparedness and readiness for a higher calling... 

Stay blessed beyond curse

Ernest. K. Akorli
13th October, 2014.

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